Blog Section

  • Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you? I wish I play in my life, adult hood has taken over the sense of playtime. Growing up and becoming an adult having to be the one who pays the bills instead of your parents has you seeing the world into a whole… Read more

  • The Ripple Effects of Divorce and Loss on an Individual: From Childhood to Adulthood

    The Ripple Effects of Divorce and Loss on an Individual: From Childhood to Adulthood

    As we journey through the landscape of human experience, few events leave as indelible a mark on our lives as the fracturing of our family units. The dissolution of a marriage or the loss of a beloved family member doesn’t just disrupt the present; it echoes into the future, altering the very fabric of our… Read more

  • The Paradox of Parenting: Hypocrisy, Double Standards, and Cultural Identity

    The Paradox of Parenting: Hypocrisy, Double Standards, and Cultural Identity

    In the intricate tapestry of our lives, parents play a pivotal role, shaping our values, ideals, and perspectives. However, the role of parents, like any other, is not free from paradoxes and contradictions that can be baffling and often challenging for their children. One such paradox revolves around the expectations and standards they set for… Read more

  • The Echoes of Gaza: A Heartrending Symphony of Silence

    The Echoes of Gaza: A Heartrending Symphony of Silence

    In the heart of the Middle East, a land echoing with ancient tales and divine history, a tragedy unfolds. Gaza, a region where the footprints of prophets once graced the sand and where the essence of divinity is believed to reside, is today a canvas splattered with the crimson shades of violence and despair. The… Read more

  • The Healing Journey: Navigating a World of Pain and Betrayal

    The Healing Journey: Navigating a World of Pain and Betrayal

    Life is a complex mosaic of experiences. Some are beautiful, radiant, filled with love and joy. Yet, others can be dark, painful and deeply traumatic. This post is about the latter, the experiences that shatter our sense of safety, trust, and self-worth. It’s about the long journey through the shadows of trauma, and the slow,… Read more

  • What are your biggest challenges? Surviving in this economy of inflation Read more