Blog Section

  • The Greatest Gifts

    The Greatest Gifts

    What is the greatest gift someone could give you? As we journey through life, we are often asked the question, “What is the greatest gift you could ever receive?” Answers often vary: a luxurious car, a grand mansion, an extravagant vacation, or perhaps, a lifetime supply of your favorite ice cream flavor. However, for me,… Read more

  • Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Power of Reflection and Anticipation

    Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Power of Reflection and Anticipation

    As humans, we are caught in a constant dance between the past and the future. Each step we take is influenced by the echoes of our history and the whispers of our aspirations. But what do we dwell on more? The road we’ve journeyed or the path yet to be trodden? The past, with its… Read more

  • The Power of Nostalgia

    The Power of Nostalgia

    What makes you feel nostalgic? There is a certain beauty in the concept of nostalgia, an emotional state that often takes us on a journey back to the past, making us long for moments, places, and people that have touched our lives in profound ways. But what exactly triggers these feelings of nostalgia? What are… Read more

  • A Deep Dive into the Nigerian Culture and Society

    A Deep Dive into the Nigerian Culture and Society

    As we embark on a journey through the intricate labyrinth of African culture, we find Nigeria standing as a prominent pillar, a vivid microcosm of the African experience. However, it’s an undeniable truth that cultural appropriation and racism often walk hand-in-hand, and Nigeria has not been spared from this global scourge. Nigeria, like any other… Read more

  • Who are the biggest influences in your life?

    Who are the biggest influences in your life?

    Who are the biggest influences in your life? Life, as we know it, is a beautiful tapestry of experiences, relationships, and influences. Each of us is shaped by a unique set of individuals who leave an indelible impact on our lives. As I take a moment to reflect, I find that the most significant influences… Read more

  • Breaking the Stereotype: Unraveling the Double Standards of Parenting in Modern Society

    Breaking the Stereotype: Unraveling the Double Standards of Parenting in Modern Society

    The society we live in has long been entrenched in stereotypes, and one area where this is particularly prevalent is in the realm of parenting. It’s a common stereotype that men and women who have children from multiple partners are viewed through different lenses. Women often bear the brunt of societal judgment and scorn, while… Read more