Blog Section

  • Blood, Sweat & Tears

    Blood, Sweat & Tears

    There comes a point in every journey where you find yourself pausing, looking back at the path you’ve traveled, and wondering—was it all worth it? This is a story about that moment, spurred by a realization after years of relentless hard work and unwavering dedication. I met Andrea during my freshman year of college. She… Read more

  • Song That Wouldn’t Leave

    Song That Wouldn’t Leave

    There’s something uniquely powerful about music. A melody can transport you to a different time, evoke forgotten memories, and sometimes, it becomes so catchy that it refuses to let go of your consciousness. This is a story about one such instance, inspired by SHINee’s iconic track, “Ring Ding Dong.” It all started on an unsuspecting… Read more

  • passage


    Write about your first crush. There’s something uniquely magical about the first time you find yourself deeply infatuated with someone. That innocent excitement, the array of emotions you can’t quite comprehend – it’s a rite of passage almost everyone experiences. Today, I want to take a step back in time and share with you a… Read more

  • Imaginary journey

    Imaginary journey

    What countries do you want to visit? Hey everyone, it’s Tina here! Today, I’m diving into one of my favorite daydreams: exploring the incredible world we live in. Every time I think about the different places I’d love to visit, my heart skips a beat with excitement. There are so many countries that call to… Read more

  • Retirement


    How do you want to retire? Hey everyone, it’s Tina again! Today, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the future and how I envision my retirement. It’s one of those thoughts that warms my heart and fills me with hope. So, let me take you on a little journey into my dream retirement—what it looks… Read more

  • Heart today

    Heart today

    What’s your favorite thing about yourself? Hey there, lovely readers! It’s Tina, and I’m so excited to share something close to my heart today. Have you ever really thought about what your favorite thing about yourself is? I know, it can feel a bit awkward—we’re often so focused on the world around us that we… Read more