Blog Section

  • Untitled post 3566

    If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be? Hey everyone, Tina here! I’ve been pondering a fun, light-hearted question lately: If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be? It’s an intriguing thought experiment that gets to the heart of… Read more

  • Spirituality


    How important is spirituality in your life? Hi everyone, Tina here! Today, I’m excited to explore a deeply personal and profound topic—spirituality and its importance in my life. Spirituality is a multifaceted concept that reaches beyond the boundaries of religion or belief systems. It’s a journey that touches every aspect of our existence, offering meaning,… Read more

  • Reputation


    Hi everyone, Tina here! Today, I want to delve into the profound and often overwhelming impact of reputation on adults, an invisible yet omnipresent companion that shadows us throughout our entire lives. Whether it’s in careers, family, relationships, or friendships, our reputation is like a permanent imprint that can shape how others perceive and interact… Read more

  • Time Every Day

    Time Every Day

    How do you waste the most time every day? Hey everyone! It’s me, Tina. Do you ever stop and wonder just how much time you waste every day? I certainly do. It never ceases to amaze me how my day can slip through my fingers while accomplishing very little. Today, I’m diving deep into the… Read more

  • Celebrating Milestones and Confronting Misunderstandings: A Heartfelt Thank You and Reflective Journey

    Celebrating Milestones and Confronting Misunderstandings: A Heartfelt Thank You and Reflective Journey

    Hello everyone! It’s Tina from “Stories From Tina,” and today is an incredibly special day for me and for all of us who have shared this journey together. I am beyond thrilled to announce that my website has now hit a monumental 1,000 stories! Not only that, but we’ve achieved over 78k views on Instagram,… Read more

  • Transports


    Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? Hey there, everyone! It’s Tina from “Stories From Tina,” here to sprinkle a bit of nostalgia into your day. If there’s one thing that has the power to whisk us back in time, it’s the food we grew up with. Have you ever taken… Read more