
How do you want to retire?

Hey everyone, it’s Tina again! Today, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the future and how I envision my retirement. It’s one of those thoughts that warms my heart and fills me with hope. So, let me take you on a little journey into my dream retirement—what it looks like, feels like, and means to me.

When I picture my golden years, I see myself as an old lady, arm in arm with my husband. By our side, there would be the lively sounds of our grandchildren playing, their laughter filling the air, bringing pure joy to our lives. There’s something so beautiful about family, and I dream of establishing a legacy that I can be proud of, something uniquely mine that resonates beyond my lifetime.

I’ve always been passionate about the healthcare field, and I hope to remain connected to it even in retirement. It’s a part of who I am, and I believe that staying true to myself means continuing to make a difference in the lives of others. But beyond my professional life, I yearn for deep, genuine friendships—those rare gems who aren’t fake, who stick around through thick and thin. Friends who become like family, who’ve got your back, no matter what. We’d support each other both in and out of the medical field, creating a circle of trust where jealousy and envy have no place.

Financial stability is another cornerstone of my retirement dream. I aim to have enough money saved up to travel the world and experience its wonders with a peace of mind, knowing my children and grandchildren will never have to worry about money, shelter, or facing the pain and trauma I’ve endured over the years. It’s incredibly important to me that they live their lives to the fullest, free from the burdens that once weighed me down. I want them to fully experience every phase of their lives, to make something of themselves that they can be incredibly proud of, something no one can ever take away from them.

On a personal note, I’ve struggled with feeling like an outcast—someone whose kindness can sometimes be misunderstood or taken the wrong way, making me seem clingy or overly attached. I’ve faced a lot of misjudgment, where people make their own assumptions about me without really knowing me. It’s painful to feel avoided or alienated when all I long for is genuine connection. My dream retirement includes breaking free from this cycle, surrounded by loved ones who truly see me for who I am, misunderstandings cleared away like cobwebs.

In essence, I want my retirement to be a beautiful mix of peace, love, and fulfillment—a life where family and friends are my core, where my professional journey still matters, and where financial security is assured. It’s a future free from past pains and full of promise, joy, and deep connections. Here’s to hoping that one day, we all find that place of contentment and peace.

With love and dreams,
Tina 💖

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